Caleb Vereecke

Caleb VereeckeYou just completed your first year of high school, what surprised you the most, either academically or socially? The most surprising thing for me was the amount of work there was. In middle school, you could sleep in class and pass (but I'm not suggesting anyone does that). In high school, you have to study a lot and do all of your work if you expect a good grade. I was also surprised at how much fun high school really is, there is always something to do and new people to meet.

If you were to give one piece of advice to an incoming freshman, what would it be? The first thing that comes to mind about giving advice to incoming freshmen is that you can't slack in high school if you want to pass, and watch out on Freshman Friday, people will trash-can you.

What types of subjects did you take this last year, and how did you fit in studying around playing sports? I took many advanced classes last year. I also took AP Geography which was a very difficult class because there was always loads of work to do. I had to do my homework once I got home from school to have time for sports. Sports are very important to me, but school work is a lot more important if you want to go somewhere in life.

Tell us about your aspirations as you get closer to college. What is your plan?
I think I will probably end up going to UCF when I am ready for college. My step-sister is currently enrolled there and she told me it is a great school. After high school I will go to college, hopefully off a scholarship. (crossing fingers)

So, some third-graders will be reading this, tell them why they should care about you talking about high school? I think this is important to little kids, even third graders because they will be in high school sooner or later, and talking to someone who has experience in high school might help them out. It is important that parents prepare their kids for high school and college.

Who are your favorite athletes? My favorite athletes are Jameer Nelson of the Orlando Magic and Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers. They are both excellent athletes.

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